The Wait..
and too deep,
unaware of where
I had been dragged all along;
into these slippery swamps
and boggy marshlands.
I am drowning and immersing
into the matrix;
and soon will be lost in limbo,
if I don't realize that
its my gravity of weight,
that's pulling me down;
and its my own choices,
that's gripping me tighter
into the dark abyss of oblivion.
Trapped in between peace and morality,
Sandwiched between Hopes and fears,
Reeling between Selfishness and altruism,
I want to seek only one simple answer,
self-love or selfless love?
Should I love you or love me, first?
Because I cant save us both..
Its either Me or You..
So What do I choose?
You or Me?
And Why would or should I
choose You over Me?
Waiting for you is like
Waiting for the mirage.