Do these count??

Of the music, the purest,
Betwixt the souls, the rarest,
The spell of scintillating silence.
To hurt, do I've the license?

To coagulate,I nipped the bud,
To hire peace in the bed.
The dead dreams, of my sight,
Now I wonder whether its right?

When I see you, let me be blind!
I don't wish my heart to grind!
From the inside of my head, I hear two,
of which I am confused which is true?

The bleed is now indocile.
I am sick of being a missile,
that penetrates other's leaf.
Do these sins count to my life?


Anonymous said…
man!! now this time u made me open my dictionary ..he he..

btw its pretty surprising..m also writing something like this..

this is awesome again...doodles are getting better than ever ;)
Jeya Anand said…
well...if u are eager enough to answer those raised question...U can go ahead...or else u can just skip like out regular tags...LOL....
hey dream catcher...
great..u too on the same stream?? well waiting for that...:) thanks dude...And read them once again... i was still working on it when u made the its renewed even the title...:)
Anonymous said…
aillaaa misshtake..sorry bro..he he

yeah its kinda same..but i m writing this in a different perspective,..but its very much gives the same feeling..

When I see you, let me be blind!
I don't wish my heart to grind!
From the inside of my head, I hear two,
of which I am confused which is true?
Jeya Anand said…
hey Dream catcher
well ...u have ur own style...everyone knows that...and i bet u i will search for the dict at the time of reading urs....:D
Sara said…
Get over it!! You did what you had to do!!
Chronus Ess said…
Keep Sinning man. It's more fun, and nobody takes account.

Btw, interesting read. Inspired from your own life?
Jeya Anand said…
hey sara
hmmmm...well...those are under my feet rt now...just tried to pen them...and waiting for u to get online...something fresh here...;)

hey acid tongue....
hehehhe...u r cool...:D
yeah...from my chapters...:)
Hey good going man... I m very rare to the internet these dayz. Jus now read both ur posts.. gud going dude!!
KAYLEE said…
Anonymous said…
well this time u wont need any dic..m sure :)
Chronus Ess said…
hmmm.. your chapters????
KAYLEE said…
I GOT A QUESTION WHY IS BLOG CALLED DOODLES OF THE INSANE???? Surely you dont think you are insane do ya?
Sara said…
Kaylee, he is insane. Trust me.
Jeya, fresh??? What've you been up to this time?
Jeya Anand said…
hey Ravi...
Back to coll?? how is it going and the job?? seems harish is in mysore..atleast a guy in karnataka near me:)Thanks man...

hey Kaylee....
Thanks...:)u can do wonders when u grow up:)for sure...

and for the question...Infact i think I am insane most of the time...;)dont mind...just kidding...and if u ahev time check this post...IN SANE is INSANE !!from my archives...

hey dream catcher...
lets see...:)

Hey acid tongue...
yeah my own life:)
Jeya Anand said…
Hey sara...
Well Why do u strain urself to answering to the questions raised for me??:D
Let me answer...:)
And i will tell u when we chat...:)
Shruti said…
Hmm, some of the most puzzling questions....

The way you have put it here is marvellous...

Take care
Jeya Anand said…
hey shruti...
thanks ... yeah they are puzzles...doodles..:)
Sara said…
Strain? My dear friend, i lve telling the world that you're not only insane but also highly idiotic ;P
Jeya Anand said…
hey sara
well if thats ur pleasure...go ahead...missionary;)
Atleast u will add traffic to my blog;):D
bornfortheu.s.a said…
you keep getting better at this...lovely!
Jeya Anand said…

when u say that... thats such a compliment...:)
Thanks bro....
KAYLEE said…
Jeya Anand said…
good...then:) kaylee....
Pallav said…
I just remembered this one line after reading your poem.

"Be sure your sins will seek you out."

Ha ha, now isn't that a thought!


Jeya Anand said…
hey N...
Yeah thats quite a thought;)

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious
