In our Own selves....

Do you know where I am?
Do you know where you are?
Do you know where we are?

The grass isn’t green.
The snow isn’t white.
The light isn’t bright.
The taste isn’t sweet.

The atmosphere is strange.
The air is misty.

The vision is out of range.
Your cheeks are thirsty.

The sky looks pitch black.
The birds don’t seem to fly.
There is something the winds lack.
Even the hard rocks cry.

Is this place, the Mars?
No it isn’t.
This is something familiar.
I had been here before.

Losing the skin you possessed.
Gaining superficial colors you never need.
Exploring the mind you never had.
Dreaming about the rainbow you never will have.

Do you know where I am?
Do you know where you are?
Do you know where we are?

I am buried alive…
You are buried alive…
We are buried alive…

In our own selves...


Jeya Anand said…
Many a times..we are lost..buried in oursleves...and fail to see the beauty in small things..
Sophiagurl said…
so true! =) sometimes it's good to look beyond the obvious.

"Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. ”
Jeya Anand said…
"who looks outside, dreams.Who looks inside, awakens."

Woow...what a thought!! Just love it!!
Amandeep Singh said…
All i want to say is..

Thats it!
Amandeep Singh said…
Late admission case in college...Now Viral..
thats my story

Keshi said…
very beautiful one Jeya! Loved it. I cud relate to this one alot..Im always dreamin of the rainbow I'll never have...

Jeya Anand said…
Thanks man...
and viral?? thats not good...I just recovered from an attack of typhoid..:)
Take care...

Thanks Keshi...I just wish U have it one day...:)
annie said…
This was out of the world. Simple yet sending such strong signal. Our perfidious acts can sometimes deceive our own selves only. Self-introspection is the key to keep the ersatz behaviour away.
Sara said…
For once I don't have a cutting comment to make.
Anonymous said…
lovely words Jeya...sometimes things are so near yet so far...we sometimes don't see things which maybe very near but search for things which are quite far...Nice post!
Jeya Anand said…
Yes..simple..I rely on simple words...:)not bcoz I dont like complicated...bcoz I dunno:D:D

your comment alone doesnt decide my post!!:p

Sach1 said…
sweet one buddy!
Simply adore it..
relates to many souls out there...
Jeya Anand said…
thanx...:)yeah numerous souls of the world...mine included...
A good one again. And ya, I m coming home on the 30th da. Will b there for some 4 dayz,,,
Jeya Anand said…
Thanks da...Great..i will be here...Hope to catch u:)
Keshi said…
aww ty Jeya!

Sara said…
Then don't pester me to comment on your blog.
Jeya Anand said…
You are welcome:)Ty

reply on ur IM...;P
Impressionist said…
you're getting better and better by the day!
this is something I wrote sometime back!
"Being alone in a crowd of people
Is like being buried alive.
There's six cold walls around your soul,
And no one knows you haven't died."

peace & love
Anonymous said…
Loosing touch with near ones and dear ones(the one u love), is horrible thingie.

Cud relate to it a great deal. Wanted to write on it,but nothing better than this.


Blogrolled ya buddy!!!


Jeya Anand said…
when one of the best says that, it means a lot...isn't it??

That was amazing what u have written...may i Know the post title??

thank you...:)
Anonymous said…
too good...
loved it...

"The sky looks pitch black.
The birds don’t seem to fly.
There is something the winds lack.
Even the hard rocks cry."........the heart of the poem. gr8!
Pallav said…
everyone is lost then! well...that implies that some must have got found too ;)

Jeya Anand said…
Thanks man...:)

whats in a name?..
Glad u liked them...:)

Yeah ..everyone is lost somehwree...
P said…
:) Thanks for visting my blog. A very well written peace,I like the intensity and the rhythm.Blogrolled!
Jeya Anand said…
But I feel the time is quite late to get blogrolled:(

Dig into the past

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The Cruel Conscious

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