
“Why don’t you just leave me alone?” he screamed and banged the door shut with a rage that’s killing him cell by cell, tissue by tissue, blood to bones, blood to brain. He is already half dead. A dying dead.

Pissed off with things going around him and his life, he dived into his bed desperately trying to reconnoiter his mind, trying to discover something which he had forgotten for some months now, the sleep!

He began his usual dose of talking with the God. Someone who happen to peep into his room accidentally would certainly call a mental health physician for help. But, in real, he is not the one who needs the care. Maybe the world, which is smothering his nostrils, choking his lungs, restraining his heart, obstructing his brain that belonged to the next generation, need special mental care. He was simple. The world made him complicated and then cursed his complicacy.

“That’s how this planet functions…isn’t it?” he asked. There was no reply. “Why shouldn’t I come with you? I have no significance and nothing to reside here. Take me with you”. There was still no answer.

He maintained a dead silence, just as his life had, for minutes. Minutes later, he screamed again “why don’t you just leave me alone?”

With his eyes thirsty for tears, he shed some to quench its thirst in an effort to make at least his eyes happy. And he lied there on the bed as an inanimate thing, trying to forget that he had forgotten the art of sleeping.

He dozed off with some difficulty into a pleasant dream. It didn’t last either. He woke up sensing some fluid on his face. He had difficulty guessing whether it was sweat or his tears.

The fan had stopped rotating. He realized that there was no power. He went to the bathroom to refresh his sweaty face. There was no water either. He shouted “Mom…nothing is right in this house!!” There was no reply either. A silence as horrible as loudness, indescribable, mysterious, baffling, prevailed over the house. He reached for a light. But they didn’t work either. Infuriated, he went to his Mom’s room, just to discover that there is none in the house.

With the fear clinching his bowels, he came out of the house yelling “is there anybody out there?”, but there was no reply as usual to his posed questions. It was a no moon day leaving the earth alone in its self imposed darkness. There was no shadow following him. He wandered through the streets to find out that he was the only one in the whole town. But the God above had a better view. “He was the only one living, though questionable, dying on the face of the earth”

He thought that GOD finally had seemed to have granted his wish, replied his questions, though not in the desired manner. He still had loads of confusion blurring his immaculate mind. “Had he arrived in a new place or have they left”….but one thing was throbbing his heart…

“Why don’t you just leave me alone?” echoed through his mind restlessly!

p.s. Can you friends see this as a thriller in any angle??Hmmmm..if you do so..let me publish this for Dreamcatcher who asked me to write a thriller some months back before he went off for a hiatus..this is for you brother..:)


Jeya Anand said…
Well.. this is my first attempt at writing a story.. If u like it, I am sorry..I dont have more:D:D:D
Hm... Well, Twas a good one throughout. But, I am confused a bit.
Did u mean that God has satisfied his desires? Or did u mean the other way (ie. Has God made his life even difficult to live?)

Is my theme right?
Theme: Don ever get pissed for small things. It's alwayz better to live life as it comes, combating small obstacles infront RATHER than blaming the whole world for complicating things and begging GOD for loneliness and then facing a bad aftermath!!??

Or is it(theme) something else??
Jeya Anand said…
well ravi...
u seem to have explored my post a lot...I didnt write based on any theme...but ur theme is partly right...its better to live life as it comes...but everything has got a limit...after which u will never have the patience to live...

And one more request...dont hunt for any meaningful logic inside my blog...u will be disappointed if u do so...:D:D

P.s..I am as confused as you all human...:):)
Yup, right.. After all these r DOODLES right!! And that too OF AN INSANE! HA ha!
Jeya Anand said…
hahaha..yeah these are doodles of the Insane...But I live by a code...its simple...There's something to be learnt from everything..let it be the most craziest stuff or the least famous one;)
Again..isn't a doodle??:D:D:D
Keshi said…
**but everything has got a limit...after which u will never have the patience to live...

Jeya sadly I agree with that...there r some circumstances in life which makes DEATH better than it!

Nicely written Jeya..great post!

Sophiagurl said…
Baffling and there seems to be more than what is being said.
Jeya Anand said…
keshi... are right...I will stand by my post..Thanx keshi:)

yeah..its mysterious...even the Auhtor is trying to figure out what he had doodled;)
Really..I mean it...
Sach1 said…
some deep mystery lies there..righto??
Jeya Anand said…
You are absolutely right!!Kinda unlockable!!
Impressionist said…
That was gripping!
nicely written for a first time! :)
U can do better brotha! :)

peace & love
Phoenix said…
i really enjoyed it..quite a post!:P
Keshi said…
yep...stand by ur words, no matter what other may think.

Good on ya Jeya!

Anonymous said…
Good going. But I prefer your poetry better.
Nice to see your picture too. If I am not wrong, it is recent addition.
Anonymous said…
Jeya Anand said…
Thanks bro..I can...but time seems to be getting hold of me..:(sadly!!


poison coated elixir..
Jeya Anand said…
Thanx keshi..:)

thanx:)yup..I love poetry too;)
and yup.. i added it recently:)
you are right.

Ashu.. it?
good then:)
Ankit said…
nice work...
cell by cell, tissue by tissue.. lol this was a bit cheesy for me.. but still..
i am not so sure abt god n all so wont comment more abt the story.. but its been a happy return here for me.. :)

KAYLEE said…
GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!
you sneaky face! how did you know. how? there was nobody around. nobody.

a dying dead...
silence more horrible than loudness..
Jeya Anand said…
No body here knows abt GOD..its all their own somethings...Thanks for visiting...

Thanks...HOw r u now?

Yes there was nobody...U know its a story..dont ask such questions:D I hardly have answers for them..:D:D

COnsider this way..he was taken away from the world of human...or his wish came true..Dont ask how!!:D:D

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??