Forever is Never...

A sea uproars to a mighty mountain,
Glaciers melt down into the ocean,
All to vanity without a trail.
All under the time's trial.

Clay isn't amiable forever,
Only until it turns hard.
Sponge doesn't absorb forever,
it leaks them out later.

There is a limit limiting everything,
beyond which it mutates to nothing.
You don't remain the same,
forever. Neither do I !

I am not what I was.
I will not be what I am.
I am under the constant
spell of metamorphosis.

Forever is Never...

P.S. this post is a product of being pissed off!


Jeya Anand said…
forever is never!! Limit is the factor!! Learn it!!
Sophiagurl said…
agree! the only thing constant in this life is change, we are always evolving and changing, we are doing that right now as i write this comment in your post =) Happy Weekend!
Shruti said…
Made me think lot of things..

Take care
Dunno, for wat reason, u got pissed off.

But still, a good one again. And ya chennai is fine. Check out ma blog. T's been long.!
Jeya Anand said…
yes..change, the only constancy...well known...happy weekend to u too!!:)

happy weekend to u too....

thats some fucking thing...never worry abt it...i will get over it...:)
and ur blog...I just went as ever!!:)
Unknown said…
Hi Dear,
well im not related to airlines in anyways, its just that i have passion for it..
Well, just check my blog:

Here i mention, why i only write for airlines..

Take care
Anonymous said…
Hey Jeya,

You have packed in some punch in there. And all because someone pissed you off...

Well said.
Chronus Ess said…
ask a girl. she'll agree with you.
Now Show her a diamond.
Impressionist said…
hehe! though its a product of being pissed off, its nicely written! :D
i had written a poem loong back, the title was similar to this "Forever Never Lasts"

peace & love
Princess Banter said…
I like this line a lot:

I am under the constant
spell of metamorphosis

I think it's so true... there are always changes going on around us, most of them are not within our control either.
Sneha P said…
i agree with what our bantering princess say above...i think those are the 2 most brilliant lines of ur poem!!
Keshi said…
lol @product of being pissed off!

wuts wrong Jeya?

Jeya Anand said…
Mona or shruti...
Yes i read it...I got ur nerves...:)

yes indeed:)i wanna know where i can get ur book!!

Acid tongue...
LOLz...will that piss off the previous piss:0...

Thanks bro...i did read ur similar post!! Thats of ur own high!!:)

Princess banter...
Yes..I love it too...Thats my typical description!!


everything is fine now!! Thanks for ur concern!!aND AS i mentioned in ur post , ur blog played a great role in dissolving it...Love you keshi...Got no words to thank u!!:)
Keshi said…
r u serious? awww its so good to hear that atleast one of my posts somehow made u happy in real.

***HUGS*** Jeya!
Keshi said…
Im really glad!!

Jeya Anand said…
its true and i am glad too!!!:)
***Hugs***to u too!!
pissed off or not,...the message is true.
Pravin said…
Off-topic but do you have a larger version of that image. It would totally fit in with the rest of my desktop! Thanks!
yeah i realised that for the 127th time two days back. beyond limit, nothing is fun. nothing.
Jeya Anand said…
whats in a name?...
Quite weird display name u have got...
and yes the message is true!

I took that pic from photobucket...that was original image size...U have a good taste!!

hahha...u count those?? thats quite strange!!127th!!
annie said…
Forever is Never....Nothing lasts a lifetime...then why do we keep searchin for it once when gone? Mind refuses to listen & believe..
Jeya Anand said…
Yes its the The cruel Conscious from my archive if u wish....:)
Pallav said…
sweet poem, have a vodka you'll feel better :)

Jeya Anand said…
Thanks N...I had just the day before that incident...And Now..There is no need...I m trying to quit..:)
Sach1 said…
OMG! How cud I miss reading this...Very true indeed..Nd thnks for da blogroll...I hav already added u !!!

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
