
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Humans

I don’t believe in “Love at first sight” with humans. But its all together a different story with books, for me. Some books, just sit glamorously in their display shelves with their vibrantly bound colors, those eloquently etched titles, those captivating fragrance of the papers and the short and cute previews at their back. And you take them in your arms for it becomes irresistible to walk past it with an indifference. Love at first sight might not be after all a myth with books. “The Humans” by Matt Haig, the book I had been sleeping with for some days now, could be easily termed as a first sight thing. It had been in my shopping cart for a long time and after waiting a long time for the prices to fluctuate, the order was finally placed and so we gained acquaintance.  The concept is simple but futuristic. It can be grouped under those science fiction types but that is definitely not the author’s strong fort and hence he brilliantly stays away from things