I cried; She smiled;

The time was dark and it was about to witness the first light of day. And a soul was wandering in this remorseless sphere , lost. Tired of its night duty , the moon whispered to its clan to take over the work of illuminating the life of all the souls. And so came the light of dawn . And so the light in numerous people's life.I know I am one among them, now.But not then.

The place was smelling malodorous(of the fluid that keeps every one alive!) ; May be thats why people were masked there .But once you stand in there for 10 minutes , you will realize that its not that bad! Bcoz you will either get adapted to the stinky scent or you will lose your consciousness to test your olfactory senses.

There in the centre was a cot , a specialized one for an act ; A Godly act; Above the cot were multiple spot lights suspended in air , as if they gonna crash down any moment.The lights were similar to the stadium floodlights illuminating the field but here it was to enlighten the process, a unique process which only the gentler sex are capable of!! Around the bed were people dressed in white , some in green with their maksed faces revealing only their ever alertful eyes, their hands gloved in rubber hiding their fine tremors.

They were circled around the venusian lying on the cot semiconsciously ;but ever conscious about the pain inflicted upon her ;She cries and yells not bcoz of the pain but bcoz of the pleasure.The pain somehow equals the pleasure of being involved in this act of God!!

They manhandle her, command her to breathe in and then breathe out;use those cruel weapons on her to get rid of the creature within.But the creature clings on to her .After a struggle for more than an hour it was finally brought out of the canal. Everyone stay anxious looking for the sign of life from the creature and from the God above.

Above, along the ceiling was the lost soul wandering relentlessly.And I realized very lately that it was me!! I was in a queue with many free spirits filling it. And at the end of the line was very bright.And when I came nearer to the light , I realized souls flying to various parts of the universe in search of their body!! And I was directed to this place and was sucked inside the baby's puny figure.

i opened my mouth and inspired my first air into my immature lungs and it expired out as a cry!!She woke up from her tired labour by my cry , for her painful efforts had bore her a baby. She smiled ;
I saw her face , the first ever my eyes saw;
I felt her soul , the first ever my heart loved;



Impressionist said…
True bro! :)
wonderfully written :)

peace & love
Shruti said…
beatuiful words...

In b/w, that 2Lacs seats has been thier 2nd anniversary offer. Dont knwo who gots lucky in getting that...

Take care..
Jeya Anand said…
#mystic rose

gud luck:)

thanks bro:)

thank u:)


Sharad Mathur said…
beautiful description..

nice post :)
Jeya Anand said…
#sharad& Neo
thank u guyz...
Princess Banter said…
That was absolutely beautiful -- it sure soundes better than the time when I was in the OR with my sister while she was giving birth to my nephew!
Priyanka Sarkar said…
amazing.....very well written..
Jeya Anand said…
#princess & priyanka

Thanks a lot gals...
Anonymous said…
Thtz an awsum expression of te vibe f ur soul. Keep up te gud work!!
Anonymous said…
Thtz an awsum expression of te vibe f ur soul. Keep up te gud work!!
Jeya Anand said…
Thanks :) May i know ur blog address ?

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
