The other dimension..

Do you know how it feels?
To be left marooned alone..
To be rejected by the one..

Do you know how it feels?
To be darkened by the shadows..
To be brightened by the dark..

Do you know how it feels?
To be not in the list..
To be in the rest..

Finally I understand the feelings of the rest,
& also of those obsessed with the best.

Let the Wind decide to
where, should it blow..

Let the Stream decide through
which way, should it flow..

Let the Gravity decide to
which side, should I fall..

Let the Subconscious rule over me,
in the battles of the best & the rest..

Let Wisdom & Cognition prevail
over intelligence..

Note: Understood best when read with the previous post(its quite small;))


Sneha P said…
i see u choose the wisdom of the subconscious....
well at least that will inherently what we want...
co else it becomes a battle between brain and heart...
can never decide who wins in those...

hey thanks u visited my blog despite such irregular posts...and i'm sorry i'm not regular here as well..
neway...take care..
Jeya Anand said…
battle between the brain and heart...Thats precise!!
:)I am not regular too here...finding time only on sundays...:(
Keshi said…
sometimes I follow my heart...wait, its actually all the time.

Pallav said…
the light can blind us only in darkness do we learn to really see ;)

Hang in and hang in tight man.

Good poem:)

Good one dude. How r u btw~!!!
Sophiagurl said…
hi Jeya how have you been? Lovely post here. Sorry I was late commenting. Hope you're doing great. =)
DreamCatcher said…
hi jeya..
how have u been..

subconscious ...hmm i guess it rules its a creeper..isn't it...

but its pretty delusive cognition is hard to achieve..wish it cld take over
Impressionist said…
hey bro!
how ru? nice poetry there! :)

peace & love
Anonymous said…
Grab the pieces of your existence and move on mate.....nice writeup!!!

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
