Insanity Awarded!!

Yesterday night, when I browsed through the comments as usual on my Nokia 3230, I was not a bit astonished.In fact I was amazed a lot. Bcoz I was handed the THINKING BLOGGER AWARD by Neo which in turn was awarded by Rajeev.Both of whom I admire a lot for their capabilities to pen down phenomenal poems(Neo) and crispy yet stunning short stories(Rajeev).

Now getting back to the day(actually it was a night) when I gave birth to this blog , I remember my Mom scolding me to get off the computer and to spend some time on the bed(Now its the reverse, I spend the whole day on my bed in this gloomy icy climate!!).I let my Mom's words traverse through the auditory canal of one and out through the other. And the result is this DOODLES OF THE INSANE. Its just 3 months old(Neonatal) and I believe this comes pretty premature for an amateur(ppl is my ego inflated?? Dont mind atleast for today!!lol).I see those days with my comments zero , posts unread , blog unnoticed ,the doodler unknown.And today everything has changed. I have improved a bit in my language, style etc.I never knew I could write poems, and I did! I don't believe this dream! I am so happy to feel this!

First of all My thanks would reach my favorite teacher in my school , Mrs.Usha Ganesh.I am wordless how to describe my affection, love for her.In my 11th std , I had the privilege of studying under her. And I will never forget those pleasant memories...I would say she sparked the inner fire in me!!
I owe a lot to her!!

And I wanna thank my good friend Saranya whom I have never met , yet felt close enough heart to heart , for everything . She doesn't own any blog but has an oxford dictionary embedded in her cerebrum!! A honest critic and a good friend..

And now as per custom , I need to pass this on to 5 more bloggers. And I believe most of whom I read have already achieved this feat, so I dunno whom to award!! Anyway here is my list of bloggers!! Don't mind if you have already received this...I am trying my best to award the unrewarded...

1-sharad speaks
For the way his poems and recently his stories are penned.
She is kinda my species and her sweet short poems and those words are amazing.
I wonder everyday how is it possible for her to make a post a day!! That too with astonishing depth..abt society, her friends, movies, poems ,everything!!
4-Standby mode
This man has been recently lost with his exams..otherwise a great writer..He said "I am almost there"!! But where are you?? we miss U !! Come back!!
5-incredibly irrational
This is an other girl, I admire a lot..The style of words she use is unique to her..And unfortunately she too has been missing from the blogosphere...

Thanks friends...


Jeya Anand said…
ppl those who have been awarded , dont feel disgraced to receive this from an insane!!:D lol
N@nc! said…
lol i thank you very much!!!!***********
hey man, u really deserve it... :)
Keshi said…
LOL Jeys u aint insane...ur sensational!

Impressionist said…
U rawk bro! :)
congo! <:-P

peace & love
curryegg said…
Honestly, you deserve this award from rajeev. Really!
Haha... enjoy..
Happy blogging!!! ;D
Anonymous said…
WOW!!!!!! I told u at that time..i really missed a thinker..Y didn't u turn up early man..I really regret this not going from me to u...aawww!!

this calls for shots!! 3 cheers..
hip hip hurray!!
hip hip hurray!!
hip hip hurray!!
X said…
*damn man*
does everyone over here have a better blog than mine?
yours is truly over the top!
Awesum work!
Sharad Mathur said…
tagged :O

not again.. :(

anyways, i will do that but not now.. u will have to wait for sometime.. my xams are close and i just dunt have time :P ..

-_- said…
nice .. so nice ..
KAYLEE said…
I have to say that you have a nice blog here.As you could probably tell i am commenting for my first time:D
sandpaper said…
came through orkut
Drop a comment in my blog if u have time
Its My Blog
Jeya Anand said…
thank u ppl.....
well insane and sensational are synonyms in my dictionary....:D
Sara said…
Thank you for your comments dude.
Jeya Anand said…
thank u my friend...u r welcome....have a rocking start...
Amandeep Singh said…
HeY Congrats man..U deserve this..
and thanx a ton..Its an honour!

n me back after exams,getting placed and long vacation!
Jeya Anand said…
thank u dude...and u deserve this more than i do...
congrats again for being placed...where??anyway gud luck...
Amandeep Singh said…
Sorry for not pacing it firther till now..
me in Accenture..n thanx :)

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
