The Seeking..
We are all on an endless stream,
holding on to our rafts,
desperately hoping to end somewhere
or with someone, someday,
in search of a dream..
The perfect dream ,
Where our hopes may cling on to their wings;
Where our pains shall be alleviated for once and all;
Where our paths shall bear purpose and light;
Where our love shall be rewarded for their might;
Where our life shall render meaning to us, at least.
So we strive to swim,
even though we could just float.
So we fly to the horizon,
although we will never be near it.
So we run to the mirage,
trying to fulfill our greed.
Swimming, flying and running,
we arrive,
Somewhere on the edge of the realm,
Where our rafts and the stream
meet the depth of the heart
and the profoundness of the ocean.
Right there,
we complete our jigsaw puzzle.
The seeking for the meaning..
The answers for the awaited..
Why are we so obsessed with depth?
Why do we wanna complete always?
Why can’t we just exist and survive?
What if I tell you,
that this seeking in
itself is a disease of a mind
and an obsession of a kind.
Because we are all moons,
Waxing and Waning
through phases and clouds.
We seek as we wax,
and hide as we wane.