The Status

So this post is in continuity with my whatsapp status about reading statuses. 

The question I asked was "Why do you read a person's status in whatsapp?"
Based on the inputs by the kind souls who managed to write replies inspite of their busy schedule 😏, I had managed to analyze or atleast pretend to.

One reads a status to gain insight into the person’s mind or character. So people read only those who they are curious about or whom they are very friendly with or whom they respect or whom they wanna know more about. So people, basically read the statuses of those who they like, love or even, hate. Yes, people wanna know what's going on in the minds or the lives of,even the enemies. But they choose to conveniently skip those statuses who they are indifferent or irrelevant to. Hence its said that, indifference is more crueler than hatred. In a way, it is also the exact opposite of love.

Other petty reasons being, as follows..

  • To while away the precious time.
  • To steal and repost the interesting statuses. 
  • To discover like minded people. 
  • And statuses are many a times, a good conversation starters! 😉
  • To decipher any message hidden in the status, especially if they are very intimate to the person. 
  • To know about the updates in their lives, as we get tangled in this mechanical life. (This alone shall be the literal meaning of the status update and in fact the intended purpose !!)
  • And to compare their life to ours and either feel happy or miserable! 

But my point here is that how reading statuses has become an invaluable yet an easy tool to grasp the enigmatic human nature if we can avoid certain factors like prejudice and hypocrisy. 🤔

Thinking back now, what did we have in our armamentarium, to read a person's mind prior to the statuses and social media..
  • The books they read can give a clue.
  • A real conversation with them.
  • Observing the individual. 
  • Living a lifetime with them!
How could the future shape up in this realm of connectivity?

Leave your comments in the comment box.. about anything you think..

P.S. I tried to sneak this piece in a whatsapp status(which was my original idea) and failed coz of the size. Hence the post here in my blog. Of course, my blog needs some traffic, right? :D


At least for traffic.. ROFL.. 😆😆😆
Still the explanation is good sir..
Jeya Anand said…
Thank u sir :)@ Lakshmi narayanan
So true sir..the way we see people has shrunken to the level of watsapp status!
Jeya Anand said…
yes.. we are a mere memory stored as a number in mobiles.. @ mohanpriya Ganesan

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