I am on a roll, babe!
"First of all, let me congratulate myself! " "Any particular reason?" "This is my 100th post in this blog, dude!! Isn't that amazing? " "WOW! How many years did you take to write these?" "Well.. Technically speaking, it should be 11 years atleast.." "What? That long? So on an average, its like 10 posts a year.. and less than a post per month.. still a great job, man.. You have kept it sustainable this long!!" "Yes..what started as an experiment with a night out, 11 years back, now stands in front of your eyes with a century" "On searching back the archives, I found out that I had written 60 posts in 2007 and also remember quitting it back then owing to my final year exams. But I could never leave this place, that easily. This is my baby, I proudly introduce to my like minded people. This is ...