Mid-Life Crisis

I have many faces
or facets;
I am a surgeon,
I am a writer,
I am a blogger,
I am a reader,
I am an observer,
I am a father,
I am a son,
I am a husband,

Above all,
I am a human Being.
What do you expect from me?
What do you want from me?
What is it you like to do?

Should I live this life the same boring way
I am expected to , just like all the boring people.
Or should I change as the way My inner God tells me to.
Whatever shall be the reason, I am 30 now, and I 
have to make a decision soon.
Because you have to crack the code of life.
The code of life- what is it?
Money or fame?
Liveliness or loneliness?
Family or service?
Together or alone?
Friends or Relation?

The questions in my mind
rise to an all time high.
Should I leave?
Should I stay?
Should I fly away?

What good God can tell me?
The Signs,
The omens,
where do they point towards?
A better future
a bitter past?

wherever it may be,
all I choose to be 
is to be inert.
Full stop.


Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
