Why ?

"Why don't you write Mch and become a specialist?"

This has been the most frequently asked question to me in the past couple of years, ever since I finished my Masters in General Surgery, at an young age of 27 years.

A person has to decide from his heart, what he has to do, not through other's.

Time and again, I have been stressing upon the inner voice and the need to hear it. There is a need, and then there is a want. You should be able to differentiate it. 

I cannot become a surgical gastroenterologist just because the society needs one or if your friend becomes a specialist in another field of his choice or if you think your future with your present qualification is a question mark. 
Yes, it looks good, those three letters at the back of your name, but it comes at a hefty price. You will sacrifice the time you spend with your family. You will not see your boy or girl grow up, take her/his first step, speak his/her first babble. These things will not happen again and if you think, your time and money is more important than these small bubbles of joy, you are free to do at your will. 
But me, I am that rare of the rarest kind not willing to lose these precious moments for a sake of three letters "Mch". The voice inside my head keeps telling and guides me with omens at perfect crossroads. And I must oblige my voice.

There are those career oriented people who are successful in their endeavors of life. Some of those successful in their careers have failed miserably in their personal lives and I certainly don't want to look like one of those. At this juncture, its very important to  define success in life. It cannot be measured in terms of wealth or health. Only you can measure your life's success. It has to be lived comprehensively, enjoyed to the core and tasted to the last drop. Not to be kept on studying those bulky books and compete with your children for studying time and room under the same roof.

I am living my life here and you better live yours. 
I believe I was born to do something better. 

20 years down the line, this decision might look important and very decisive. But I shall not regret, for its my wish.

P.S. The author has completed his M.S. General Surgery and when he feels, this should be the end of his studying career officially, he is confronted by people close to him, about their desire to do Mch. This is the Author's answer.


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