The Divine Drive..

Reading this might seriously cause some irreversible changes in your brain, if you are vulnerable, like me!

The cool breeze blew gently along the coastal highway, on a gloomy evening with the sun about to rise for the other side of the world. The furious red ball was floating just above the cool blue ocean, a little away from the never reachable horizon. Lost in the eternal waves of the waves, the hiss of the breeze escaped into the auditory canals of the passers by. A frail wail floated over the wind,inaudible. As the two wheeler approached near, the cry grew louder and intelligible, though masked by the ever blue roar of the sea.

"...its rightly said...its an would you define Time?? dear.."

"Hey..don't make your thoughts contagious!.. right??(chuckles)..anyway, here's your answer..I ain't what you are..So I wouldn't attempt to screw up my brain and wander the streets as insane!! know, thats what you are exactly doing!!.."

"hahaha..but you do roam with me...isn't that enough for the world to label you the same way as they had done to me...PSYCHO!!"

"you are pathetic!!"

"Am not..The world is!!"

"Come on, Jattz, the world would survive...they are opportunistic pathogens!!"

"So would I....and So am I".."you needn't worry..let me get back to the topic.."
"you see, sometimes, I wish time just crawls..and sometimes, why don't it just fly off...and at other times, I wonder, can I make it freeze??.. At all the time, the seconds tick off at the same speed..Its only that we attach special importance to some and neglect the rest..Its all our perceptions..."

"I have developed a desire, of lately.. Its to see myself.. I wanna see myself from a third person's view, so that I could know what I am, still that I couldn't allow my mind to intervene my judgments and justifications.."

"I catch a feeling, that my brain is degenerating gradually..I don't know how to name it or call it..All of a sudden, out of nowhere, some silly incident, either connected to me or the world, would trigger an attack of insanity, anxiety, depression within me..I would remain confined to the four walls and would scream and cry.. I would feel like just disappearing off from the face of earth and let my beautiful soul free of the cursed body..I would attract suicidal thoughts..But strangely, I had lived so far..

"and I found out that I had been deprived of love,care and affection...No, I am wrong...I was shown and showered, but not within my vicinity...people find it hard to approach me...they find it easier to neglect me...But why?? because I chose to neglect them...I really cant explain..."

"what would you do if someone doesn't understands you and cannot feel what you are and cannot hear what you are..You might simply choose to neglect him/her..thats kinda exactly what I had been doing and am doing...Unfortunately the list engulfs the whole bunch sparing a very few..
....I need people who can really show what love is...
....I need people who can really hear what I am...

"Now I really mean what I said before...You are pathetic!!...Don't worry dear..I have always been with you..inside you..I have shown you what love is in the past and will continue my shall not worry, my dear...I think its time to progress our friendship to the next stage, my Love!!"

There was an unusual long pause.He slowed down his bike and left it by the roadside. He got down from it and stood like a stone, stoned. The silence was already killing the waves, mute. He crawled towards the shore and gazed at the sun about to kiss the salty water. He looked back at his bike. Nobody were around in his vicinity. He turned around and screamed into the air, "I LOVE YOU, GOD", with tears trickling down his cheeks.

After an hour of abstract thoughts and activities, he drove his bike along the same road, conversing with the same God, under the moonlight.


Sophiagurl said…
wow! that was an intense and very thought-provoking post about faith. =)

Missed yah, what's up?
Jeya Anand said…
Thanks sophia...missed you too...Am back...:) thats the good news, if u were hoping for that...:D
Sophiagurl said…
=) of course that's good news! welcome back and hope to see more of you. :D
Keshi said…
WOW wut a comeback. That was profound Jeya!

WB :)

Neha Nair said…
well I don't know about the 'ur back' thing..cos I am here for the first time.. but like they say ...first impression is the best one.. n so I am impressed :)
Anonymous said…
Very thoughtful jaatzzz and i hope u find everything you want to and dont go away from blogging :)
Phoenix said…
Very intense, but lucky right. Everyone has those questions...none has the answers. Reminded me of a line i read smtime back..
"What would you do if you could control time? Would you freeze it at the happy moments, at the bright surises? Would you fast fwd all the lows?"
WritingsForLife said…
wow... this definitely is a hell of piece of work.
thumbs up!
Superb man!! Good to have u back. Start ROCKING.... :)
i dont find an optimism which accepts an ending so abstract, but for the way it goes on- i like it!

as of now im back on my blog-
Amandeep Singh said…
NOw..something been wanting to read from someoone...
and here U r!

U are at ur best man!

Phoenix said…
wow this is beautiful...loved it!

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
