The Best, but Why?

The glass door swung back to its permanent position, as he rushed in the showroom of exquisite clothings. He marched towards the shirts section and asked for some of the best pieces available in the shop. The shopkeeper displayed the best clothes ranging well above the norm, with obviously a delighted face. He picked up two fine shirts from the heap of the best exposed and moved in search of trousers. He chose the matching ones for the preselected shirts and made sure they are of the best quality too. He ordered them to be packed in their respective glamorous boxes and asked for the bill.
Some indistinct voices echoing inside his head deafened his ear to the shopkeeper's words. Ignoring them, he payed the bill and walked past the swinging glass door and came into contact with the warm air of non-air conditioned earth. The voices grew louder inside him this time.

"Why do we seek the best?...Is it just bcoz, you can afford them?....or Is it just bcoz, you wanna exhibit them?...Or Is it in anyway related to confidence level?...

If everyone seeks the best, to whom does the rest rests?( I know the term best is relative!)
If everyone accepts the fame, who is gonna take up the blame?

This habit of choosing the best
& unjustly justifying the rest,
Won't it not act unaided without me??
From these Walls, will I ever break free??

Curse the putrid mind?
-from "The Cruel Conscious" dated July 19,2007...


Sophiagurl said…
I guess we have a high regard for ourselves...and getting the best is our natural tendency.

I am really glad you are blogging more regularly. So how are you doing? Hope things are looking more brighter on your side of the world doc =) Have a great day today.
Jeya Anand said…
Sophia.. things are looking bright on my side..wat abt urs? i dont get enough time for this..or else i would be blogging daily.:-)
Sophiagurl said…
Just had my third bout of flu, but I'm a little better now. all in all things are great.

I am really glad you're okay. Glad also that you're making time to blog. =) Take Care!
Anonymous said…
Why settle for less than best when we can try n afford it.....pls visit my blog
Sara said…
Maybe it's an effect of consumerism.
Keshi said…
The best..interesting post Jeya!

Well I think we seek THE BEST for ourselves cos we put a high price on the ONE life that we get here on EARTH. So we want the BEST to happen to us while we can hv it.

Jeya Anand said…
Again? well and stay healthy...take care:)

what if you are on the other side, and you can't afford it??

sorry abt the visit..i have got very little time to go thru all ur blogs..i am trying to post my views and visit ur blogs whenever time permits...i am really in a time trap here...:)
Jeya Anand said…
it isn't just abt shirts,materialistic things...also abt lives,(my girl, my man etc...)thats my main concern...not abt materials...

Thank you keshi...
Jeya Anand said…
it continues in the next post...:)
Sach1 said…
its just bcoz we wish 2 pamper ourselves..ppl hardly find tyme 2 luv 'emselves...
KAYLEE said…
this is one of those existential questions i ask myself at times for which the answer doesn't seem to exist. i guess it's one of the basic instincts- to exhibit and to long for approval.

and by the way welcome back :)
Jeya Anand said…
:) yes pampering..rt!!

How are you now? :(
sorry couldn't visit ur blog...

Thnx...yes...basic instinct!!now read the sequel...:)
Sneha P said…
i think this is one of those rhetorical questions...

but interesting post...
Phoenix said…
i so agree with you....its easy to say why settle for anything but the BEST but when it is we, ourselves who are the so called second best it is then we understand the cruelty of such discrimination!remeber amir khan's dialogue in TZP....every1 wants a topper and ranker at home, every1 wants a 96% and if u get less its almost an abuse to you and ur folks...why? why is there no scope of second must remember that it is because of the second bests that we realize the best! wanting the best!is nothing but expressing the futility of mankind and its constant zest to find the best even though they themselves maybe nothing but deserving of it!!

Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
