Rhythm of the Night

Blinded by the celestial flash of light,
that turns my black eye glittering white;

Deafened by the raucous roars of the sky,
that soars the rapturous decibels so high;

Captivated by the aroma of the wet earth,
that equals a million flower's worth;

Drenched by the drops of transparent pearls,
that organizes a beautiful play in whorls;

Dumbstruck by the drama, the sphere so luminous,
clouded by opacities hides beneath my eyes!


Anonymous said…
aah!! another beautiful piece..
the cloudy night...m dumb struck :)..u have turned the viciousness of the night inside out :)
Shruti said…
Beautiful thunderous night...
Love it..
TAke care
Impressionist said…
OMG! that was fantastic! :)
amazing pic!:)

peace & love
Keshi said…
U r a great writer!

bornfortheu.s.a said…
Very Nice! Loved the descriptions.
Jeya Anand said…
Thank u friends...
Soul of Dawn said…
aha...the spell of the monsoons hath been cast on you
Jeya Anand said…
#soul of dawn
precisely right...:)

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