A Perfect Day

It has been a perfect day so far today; Although I have just gone half way through it, I beleive its gonna be the same for the rest of the day.Bcoz when you start well , you have a higher probability of finishing well.

After being inspired by the spiderman III movie(I don’t get why people didn’t like this movie?? Its better than the previous two and the best)late night ,I dozed off into a sleep and I still couldn't make out what my brain was thinking about or where I was taken to in my dreams. And the dream thrived unconsciously but successfully ..Here it goes ..

Time 6:01AM – My mobile vibrates beneath my pillow and sends a shrieking burst through out my body.I have been used to these kind of threats which disturb my sleep and I make a quick decision whether to snooze or stop my mobile alarm.And I press the left hand soft key SNOOZE.
Time 6:06AM – It vibrates and shrieks again. This time I choose the right hand soft key STOP.This five minutes of sleep in between is the time when I go very deep to explore and regain my lost dreams and lost Angels!!
Time 6:08AM – I rage the usual war against myself to rise up from the bed of thorns to revitalize my soul . Everyday I lose the battle but not today .Unrestraining the shackes that bind me to the bed ,I flew like a sparrow that has sprouted wings anew experiencing its first flight along the wind , against the wind .I flew.
Time 6:20AM – I went out for jogging which I had loved ever since i finished my ragging (I hated it although during those cruel ragged days)I tried to practice the only technology I knew to tame my mind(mediatation),and I don’t know whether I succeeded or not,although I experienced a momentary joy when doing so.
Time 8:00AM – I went for the Morning class.They said “No class;No attendance;”I yelled “********”
Time 9:00AM – I went for the clinics; Thank God !! Atleast it was there, I got my attendance and some useful knowledge.
Time 2:30PM – Psyhciatry class ...I have been regularly irregular in attending the classes and I was really laughing inside on seeing my plight..Guess what?? I was one out of two who were present for the class!!How the hell did I transform into a regular student???hehhehe

So far it had been a great day just like a dream … I realize its all the consequence of a small battle between me and my bed at the start of the day ...A break from the boring daily life which I very much needed at this time...

The Greatest Battle Always Lies Within.


Vik Rajagopalan said…
Don't want to sounda bit rude. Is'nt a class of two a "funny" population to compare your promptness with [:D]

you would do well morrow. Wake up at 5:00 and wait for the fight to start at 6:00 with your bed. That way you are way ahead of the scheme of things.

Intelligent me. * pat on the back *

Aloha then
Shruti said…
Wow, the same kinda getting stoy...i always fix an alarm of 30 mins earlier and evertimes i snooze it for 30 mins...
You have a great template..
Take care...
Sharad Mathur said…
i guess everyone has that kinda prob. getting up early is a 'big thing' isnt it?? and when it rings befor time (as it usually does) then *....*

nice post!
Phoenix said…
a job well begun is half done eh?

i like your optimism...i keep harping to people regarding opting for it but then my pleas fall on deaf ears...at least i found someone who shares the same outlook....

it was wonderful reading through....a delight actually :D
bornfortheu.s.a said…
i guess i can never get up at 6 considering i sleep at 3!! lol..but good job!
Man, a COOL one again.
Gr8 going. Way to go...
I m not sure, if u r good at psychiatry. But i can be assertive dat u, certainly, are good at narration. Gud work. Except for a spelling mistake ('Shackes' instead of 'Shackles')in the middle.. ha ha. Don mind dis.
Anyways. Goood JOB~!
ugyen said…
hey There,
Your blogs added in http://worldblogcollection.blogspot.com/ thanks for the link from you as well.
Impressionist said…
Getting up early!?
i wonder how it feels early in the morning.

peace & love
Jeya Anand said…
well that was just an odd day at the office man...

thanks...yeah thats an innovative work to get up...

not everyone...but most...I kew a few of my friends who wake up at 4 without alarm...:(

Thanx ...:)
And I m not the same optimist everyday!!!

hmm i go to bed around 2 ...so thats not a big span of time in between...::D

hahhaha u have proved again that u are a keen observer ..(from the school days!!)thanks da....

it feels really great ...try it once....really worth trying...although after the post I have not seeen the early morning...

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