Looks - An immature view

Looks - what I mean here is the physical structure which gets registered when you see a person.. It could be their face , physique, built, structure, voice, complexion, etc..
When a guy sees a beautiful girl , he ofcourse looks at her dumbstruck...while some pretend as if they gaze at the suroundings but not at her...while some rare people really dont care for who she is...(they are saints probably or sterile...)..Its normal for a fertile men to get attracted to the opposite sex..but what we (most of us) choose is the best or better of them..Of course we human beings always seek to be better than the rest..Everyone wants to look better..Then what is the value of originality??...If every one seeks better , then why were the worst created ??....Just to weep and sweep??..

As a 20 year old guy , i have never derived the solutions for numerous questions related to these subjects abt external and internal beauty...

I went to the extent of following a theory of my own , of my own observations , of my brainless justifications , of my inane insanity ; It seemed to be righteous for the moment bcoz it was nothing but my justifications..I have a very bad habbit - justifying my actions-it has lead me to a virtual grave everytime I justify ..but still I am not recovered completely ..

When the theory got soaked in my soul , it made me to judge a person by his looks(not the way u all think;exactly the opposite way u all think!!)well to make it clear I will put down my work of stupidity...people please dont get offended...It was my STUPIDITY..I CONFESS...

The external beauty is indirectly proportional to the inner beauty!!

After all everything in this world is a balance .. so I tended to apply this law along with my observations and ended in this crap...
Then when I got hold of my centre of gravity , I asked myself "who the hell are you to judge a person??"

I realized that on my evolution from INFERIORITY to MEDIOCRITY, my soul has got corrupt mentally..And I have been transformed to a hypocrite....
I HATE myself now...
But I noticed onething ;
My theory succeeded - I am not GOOD inside!!


Amandeep Singh said…
Hey...Thats a really great theory indeed...there have been times I ve thought bout it ...
I guess it can be true really..

We can validate it..by workin on some case studies..what say..
btw,.. u seem to have done one on urself already;)

(and ya lovethe style ya write in man)
Jeya Anand said…
yeah...i didnt experiment it on myself intentionally ...it was accidental...may be a curse of a gal...:(

well we sure will work on it...wats ur yahoo ID(if u dont mind)

Thanx for ur words..
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