Gloomy days

He has never undergone such a crisis as this one , which is ruining him mentally for the past two weeks ..
Its kind of how a leech sucks blood from its victim leaving him anemic ..
Its kind of how an emboli occludes the blood supply of an organ leaving it infarct ..
Its kind of how a neurotoxin leaves a prey just like a living dead "The Zombie"..
He could sense the upcoming danger , a disaster in the near future ..
He could feel the graveyard, where he would be buried as all would be at the end ..
He could peek beyond what his poor eyes see through his new glasses ..

Its gloomy inside yet he tries to broadcast his emotions as joyful ..
The once heard favorite melody now so bitter and yucky ..
The inner harmony he lived in now ruptured and mutilated ..
The purity of his soul now putrid and rancid ..
All these gets reflected in his blog in every post he publishes ..

He hates to glance into the mirror for it echoes his malignant image ..
He hates all those he loved bcoz he couldn't explore an impetus to love himself ..
The hostile atmosphere around him cutting off the rains of love ..
He dreams of those he loved , of those who loved him ,
for it gave a moment of lightness in the never ending days of burdens ..

He strove to assess the root which all Martians tend to do ..
While the Venusians tend to share them with their trusty friends ..
He realized that he was , in the past, in that circle of trust to his friends ..
Is it the consequence of the curse of those hearts he punctured ??May be!!

He knew where the defect was and confessed with his good friend, whom
he met after a long gap and she as usual was supportive in reconstructing his soul ..

He thought abt GOD and thanked him for granting him whatever he wished ..
Now he wished to be downgraded rather than upgraded
for he grasped the wisdom that the older version had the inner peace ..
The advanced version has the pride, confidence in excess to collapse the system ..

He then envisaged that he needed to be good rather than be looked good..

The flower blooms again ..
The sun rises again ..
The moon evolves again ..
The phoenix arises again ..
So he will ..

- By the Doodler's Soul


Amandeep Singh said…
Nice to see the phoenix is all set to rise again from the ashes..
A sign of a evolution...A new begginig...
Jeya Anand said…
I would prefer calling the phenomenon as degeneration literally rather than evolution...

But the degeneration is carried out for the survival ...
Arry Potter said…
Nice prescriptons mate...
can you add me to your list
Shruti said…
Nice narration...Time evolve and things does the phoenix will again rise from his ashes..

Take care...
Still Searching said…
Nice one... I can relate to it...

Dig into the past

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