Variable constant

I am not what I was

I will not be what I am

I am under the constant spell of metamorphosis

This is how I describe myself ..

I have been transmuting over the past few years quite unexpectedly but still the core remains inside me as a constant ...

I was trying to explain myself , my thoughts , my problems to my chechi (online sister.. I now have atleast a minimum of 4 loving sisters excluding my ever loving own akka)yesterday and while doing that I was not satisfied about myself…I dunno why … bcoz of my transformations or bcoz of my constancy….

None is perfect …I am none…

You would find this phrase nowadays common in T-shirts , orkut profiles , some posters etc… well that is just an justification for most of us…

The most craziest thing I have known about our human race is that we try to justify our own actions and try to defend our position where we stand…and I am no exception to this…

Well for a simple example , I don’t talk to girls that freely one year back and I used to justify my act at that time …but now due to play of the fate and destiny , I find myself on the other side of the river and now strangely I defend this side !! hmmm is our human race that crazy?? Or only am I being??

Sometimes inside myself , my mind use to analyze my behavior and it always leave a negative comment behind.. which makes me to weep without tears .. I cry with my mind not with my eyes..

The final opinion about myself is that my metamorphosis has degenerated me …

When I was on the extreme zone some years back ,I felt myself to be pure and now miles far away from the zone , I am corrupted mentally..

After when I gave my chechi , a self analysis abt myself (which I love to do), she said “… you think beyond the range…”

It always feels good when someone is on your side to hear the beats of your heart…thanks chechi …cheers for u…


Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
