Transparent mind

I have a question for u friends….

What if our minds are transparent??

Feels good.. isn’t it?? I think so…

I believe most problems in the world arise due to the opaqueness of our mind.. what if one can see through other’s mind??

# People get those who love them as their partners…

# People get to know who their real friends are ….

# People don’t have to wait for the words to be uttered through the mouth…(of course deafened people wont suffer that much…will they?)

# There is no need for a language for every country, every state, every region….(a common language all over the world!!)

# Naturally crime rates go down…(feels closer to Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report??)

Now when we look at a person for the first time, its his looks which gets registered in our brain … and when we further get closer to them, we get to know about his interior design… until then what we think is just an assumption..

When we can see through the minds of the strangers, its their inner beauty which will be registered in ours and not the futile physique…

And our privacy is lost when our mind can be seen by a stranger ..this might lead to a new set of problems.. Of course there will be chaos, when a system gets introduced, for a short break.. but on the long run adaptation will occur for sure as per the Darwinian theory…

So is Human race on the verge of another evolution ??


Still Searching said…
I've thought of a similar thing before.. what if we knew when someone was lying or not.. and after much thinking, i thought, i'd rather not know than know and then not be able to do anything about it! i'm not sure this mind-reading this is actually a good idea for us human beings - hypocritical, dishonest and selfish as we generally are!
Jeya Anand said…
I have said that already I guess..try seeing it on the long run...may be its a good idea...

Jeya Anand said…
when u know one lies , he thinks he can not be seen ...but when he knows he can be seen ...the consequence is different...certainly...
Amandeep Singh said…
Well..thats gonna be interesting..but as ya pointed out..Its gonna cause loads of problems...loads of I mean..
I guess we are better our minds being not transparent...;) ya know!

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