Distant Memories...

So after having renewed my internet account , for which i have to wait for 2 days , now my self imposed curb on my freedom of browsing has beed abolished succesfully.Well these two days were very difficult to cope up without this connectivity to the outer world.Its when i have no other job to do, i look around my surroundings.Does that mean i am an opportunist?? May be!! As I had no other significant things to do these days, I spent some time in looking around myself .Many things have changed around my home ;new constructions being carried out everywhere ...one particular thing in our schoolhood cricket ground, where we used to play cricket almost on all weekends irrespective of weather conditions let it be the sunny summer holidays or those rainy days when we use to put sand on those stagnant pitch to make it affordable for playing a good game..Our craziness didnt end up there ..it even went to a high of maintaining a record for all runs scored ,all wickets captured, catches taken, stumpings made, runnouts,50s,100s....etc...Such a high was our madness about cricket..And we maintained a ranking system too ...And i was numero uno in that list..hehehehe...

But now some 3 years back my craziness swapped to football..it was then i began to hate cricket..and now having India crashed out of World cup ,its got still worse..

And so these memories started somewhere due to the absence of Internet and it feels certainly good to refresh those childhood days...hmmmm I m still being a child anyways..hehehe..Sometimes I claim myself an adult (coz of my maturity hehehehe) but in real I m not ...I m still in the stage of dilemma...


Dig into the past

We might as well be Strangers....

In our Own selves....

Fly with me...

The Cruel Conscious

Do these count??
