After Death...

so after having abandoned my last post in middle of somewhere, i come again to renew the post now.. well i hope my last crap would have got u how lazy this creature is....hmmmm leave it for now..
So i was saying some rubbish about death ...right?...yes...

So far I havent experienced the loss of my close friends , parents, relatives[very close to me] etc...but i always fear about that makes me feel very grievous.. most of the time my mind thinks about the bad things that should not happen ...Thankfully those are still dreams ...Anyways they will happen oneday...I will have to lose them or they will have to lose me...I would prefer the second option easily...but Life is unpredictable as all we know...some months back I lost my English teacher named Manian sir ..well he was the close one I have lost i guess since my grown maturity..I respected him very much as most of my schoolmates ..he was a great person , very jovial ...his classes used to be a great fun for all of us...and i attended his last rites and when I saw his dead body over there in the hall , the life was missing in him...yes !! thats called death ...right....

So death is just the absence of the organic matter is left behind..and the spiritual matter ?? where does it leave?? to heaven ?? or hell?? or the same world in another form??
hmmmmm its really hard to crack this code of death...coz none can return from death to explain us the aftermath of it remains a mystery will ...

hmmmmm let me tell my opinion about this ....REINCARNATION do happens...


Amandeep Singh said…
hey nice post..may be it all here in earth..heaven death..evil angel..its jus way of lookin n interpratting..

cool blog btw!
Leves said…
mmmmm...this topic makes everyone to think a lot..even i had many thoughts about it earlier and to go religiously i find many solutions for this when i read bible..may b u can also try it if u r much interested..But am damn sure dat there is contnuity after the death and dat will b the eternal life...

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The Cruel Conscious

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