The Long Update for my Chronic absenteeism
This time when I knock on my sweet home's door, there would be my lovely Mom welcoming me with her array of my favourite dishes, there would be my Dad with his smile contacting his neatly trimmed mustache, there would be those Gold and the Fighter fishes struggling in that confined glass prison, like ever, meant for our(that's us, human beings) entertainment, there would be my desktop awaiting my eager hands over it, there would be those red bananas, which my Mom would have got from a far away place for the only reason that I simply relished eating them, expecting to be chopped off and eaten, there would be almost everything, it might seem. But there would be a lot missing indeed. My Sister!! Where is she? what happened to her? Oh yeah, she got married! Did I tell you guys about that?? No? okay.. am sorry. My sister got married to a Doctor( Did I tell you that my sister was a doctor too?? No?? Atleast do you guys know that am a doctor?? ok chill..ours is a family doctor!! sorry...