
As you are sitting by the window seat,
a continuous gush of air rush through,
you try to open your eyes against it,
but you are blinded by the wind.
Streaks of visions of a passing tree,
an abandoned ruin, an ever flowing blue river,
the green farms, the omnipresent reddish sun,
flash across your retina.
Tired of reflecting everything outside,
you try to change your focus onto something closer.
The glass of the window pane, falls in perfect place,
and resonates and reverberates a beautiful soul.
A soul that is as beautiful as you and your journey.

As you shift gears through the cries and crisis,
you wonder at your resilience and strength.
You update yourself with tips and tricks,
that would feature in Quotes and Bolds,
in your future book titled, “How to survive”.
You are realising the simple truth that Self comes first;
That Self exile and isolation are quintessential
now and then, to preserve your integrity 
and to prevent yourself from breaking into pieces.

You find yourself closer to strangers,
who you thought, never existed.
You also find yourself distant from friends,
who you thought, would never leave.
You subconsciously plot a pattern,
that’s recurring, at will and 
you try to decipher the code,
the universe is trying to teach you!
To change or not to?
To believe or not to?
To trust or not to?
To Hope or not to?
To Love or not to?
Too many questions!
Too many assumptions!
But no clear tell-tale signs!
A head full of doubts, conundrums
and impossible scenarios.

You Love and Lose.
You Love and Fail.
You Love and get rejected.
But you still end up living,
cumulating your lessons,
safekeeping your scars,
justifying your vulnerabilities,
discovering new coping mechanisms,
doubting your worth,
not knowing where to ground your next foot!
A place somewhere safe, for your sensitive sole (soul).
But it takes a lifetime for you to understand 
that “fairytales and forevers” are a fallacy.
Nevertheless, you are never the loser,
for the glass in the window pane
 knows you are not broken, unlike it.


Dig into the past

Fly with me...

A Perfect Day

We might as well be Strangers....

i Don't Exist..


Love, Live and Care...